Most of the content and pages on this site are to be found right here in the blog section. I’ve kept a daily blog since 2009 for the times I’ve been aboard and cruising. I’ve accumulated over 1500 posts over the years, plus numerous non-diary pages. Almost every day has a descriptive text entry (my family-safe online diary) along with several pictures.Unfortunately, due to a hosting issue, the blog pages prior to 2022 have lost both their initial layout and formatting, making them read more like a book page rather than a web page. But at least the texts and pictures are still there for your viewing pleasure.
Anything not directly sailing or cruising related finds its way here. Despite being a sailing site, there’s still a lot of stuff to be found in this menu list.
🏠Home » 2023 Blog » Page 4
The 2023 blog entries are grouped one page per month. But if you want it all in one place, this is place to look!