Legal Stuff

a book, duden, magnifying glass and legal notice

Gone are the halcyon days of the internet. Just whip up a HTML page using vi and upload your masterpiece to the internet. Today, the creator of even the most trivial of web pages needs a thick protective layer of legal armour. Therefore I’ve got this Legal Notice, and for even more legal excitement you can also check out the Privacy Policy page.

In Germany, any websites that might be construed as being commercial require this page (called an Impressum) with specific content, otherwise they are open to litigation and some pretty hefty fines. Even personal blogs aren’t exempt. If they have affiliate links then they are deemed to be commercial and need a formal legal notice page. There are (in)famous lawyers who troll the internet looking for sites without this page and then collect what I call “protection money” (upwards of €1000 per site) to prevent the owners from getting sued! So I’ve got this page to cover all the bases and have added this legal notice page despite having no commercial interests at all. And not being based in Germany also alleviates any worries I may have in this regard.

If you wish to contact Zanshin-Sailing directly, you can do it below: