SMYC dock panorama
SMYC dock panorama
Picture of Arnd


2023-04-12 Restful night, productive day

Tuesday night is Latin Night at the Soggy Dollar Bar, which is about 200 yards away from my new anchoring spot in the Simpson Bay Lagoon. I awoke around midnight and the music was blaring away, but I inserted some earplugs and went back to sleep. I think they finished at around 02:00AM. Yet the noise didn’t bother me and I got a great night’s sleep.

Yacht Amigos
Yacht Amigos

I woke up early and went to work online. I’m not going to take any breaks so that I can finish up early and get cracking on the generator fuel pump replacement. I’m anchored quite close to the megayacht channel and had to move forward a bit to let Amigos get by (they could have made it with room to spare).

Apart from brewing coffee a couple of times, I haven’t left my chair and computer workplace much. It is now closing on 13:00 and I have just an hour of work left before I can do my fuel pump on the generator.  The long restful night’s  sleep really did help me be much more productive today.

Early Afternoon

It is 14:00 now and I’m ready to get going on my generator fuel pump assembly. I need to take care of private stuff before delving into the depths of the bilge and the Kubota V1505 that powers the generator set.

Lagoon view from the SMYC
Lagoon view from the SMYC

Reinstalling the fuel pump wasn’t straightforward, of course. Yet after a couple of attempts I got it installed and all the fuel lines reattached. After priming of diesel into the pump I tried to start the engine and had no success. I spent some time trying to diagnose the problem and opted to give it a rest and return to the problem the next day.

Lots of dinghies
Lots of dinghies

Stretching my legs ashore, I wandered around for a while and then returned to the boat early. I made a small snack for dinner and read my book; enjoying the still waters. A band started playing at the Soggy Dollar with percussion and steel drums, but they weren’t good enough to get me to travel the 100 meters to see them live.