No wind in Antigua
No wind in Antigua
Picture of Arnd


2023-04-25 Becalmed in Falmouth

Drifting Sargassum and becalmed in Falmouth
Drifting Sargassum

I’m still becalmed in Falmouth. What little wind there is, is blowing the sargassum back out to sea.

I think I hurt my back more than I originally thought. It hurt quite a bit and I did not get much sleep. Today I’ll either see about finding a doctor with an X-Ray machine to check upon my vertebrae and/or get a back brace at the pharmacy.


A couple of conference calls filled in the gaps between testing software today. Things might be tougher tomorrow, as I’ve used my last Hario V60 filter and those Melitta ones don’t match the filter assembly. But I’ll certainly make do; and have my Aeropress as a backup.


It is warm down here with no wind and sun shining down, the downside of being becalmed in Falmouth. The upside is that it is 29C and sunny!

Working on the computer was all I did today, my back was still painful. At least I think it is my back, the area of discomfort seems to be more centrally located “amidships” than at my back. And coughing or sneezing hurts, too. <sigh> Perhaps just a sign of aging.


Although I didn’t really feel the need to go ashore today, I thought a bit of walking around would do me well. I did have garbage to drop off, but they request that nothing gets dropped off after the last pickup at 17:00 so that the garbage doesn’t attract rodents and pests. So I’ve still got a garbage bag aboard the dinghy waiting for disposal tomorrow.

I had a drink at Club Sushi but it was quiet, so I’m now safely back aboard and will see if I prefer to read my book or watch a movie.