Picosa Lady entering alone
Picosa Lady entering alone
Picture of Arnd


2023-03-28 Early start to the day

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

I’m not sure about that quote, all I know is it makes you sleepy the next day.

Morning Coffee aboard - an early start to the day
Morning Coffee aboard

The 03:00 conference call was an early start to my day and I didn’t try get back to sleep after that. I’ve still got fresh coffee beans to grind into a filter and have hot water as well. So I just add a bit of milk to cut the acidity and my day can begin.

Things have not been progressing quickly at work. I’m testing software and I’m bogged down trying to simplify issues so that they can be reported. It feels like wading through molasses. Or doing a software equivalent of Sisyphus work.

Late Afternoon

I didn’t stop until late as I felt I had to make at least some progress at work to justify my role. But it is almost 17:00 now and I’m ready to finally call it a day. So instead of turning off the computer, I have been playing around designing a new logbook page. I think I’ve got a workable format figured out and it can be previewed here at new logbook page.

Picosa Lady entering alone
Picosa Lady entering alone

There was very little traffic coming into the lagoon today at the bridge opening. I opted to get a salad for dinner at the SMYC and call it an early evening ashore.  Due to the early start to the day I wasn’t in the mood to do things ashore. Back aboard the boat I was happy to notice that the swell was completely gone.

Observation Platform
Observation Platform

The customs and immigration patrol boat slipped by me as I was tying up the dinghy, but fortunately they continued on and didn’t come aboard to check up on my paperwork and inventory. I checked my flares and they’ve just expired, so I’ll have to go purchase some new ones tomorrow.