Classic Yacht Regatta Day 3
Looking towards the Catamaran Docks
Picture of Arnd


2023-04-23 Classic Yacht Regatta Day 3


Zanshin is spinning about very slowly this morning. There is no wind at all here in Falmouth and last night I had little black flies aboard, drawn to the boat by the lights and with no wind they managed to make it. Normally, even a slight breeze is too strong for them to overcome. This was the morning of the Classic Yacht Regatta Day 3.

At 09:00 a bit of breeze has drifted in, coming from the south. At least that makes it slightly cooler belowdecks and I’m going to fire up the stove and make some fried eggs for breakfast.

Breakfast was good, but now the dishes are stacking up in the sink and it is pretty warm down here at the moment. I’ve got the fan at the navigation station going, which is also my computer workplace.


It is 11:30 and the VHF just announced the last starts for the final day. There must be some wind out there, but I suspect the course was shortened significantly so I’ll grab a quick shower and then head off to work.

Hawkeye on station
Hawkeye on station

The trip from Falmouth to English on the outside was rougher than expected, the calm conditions belied the waves outside.

Windward rocks
Windward rocks

But I made it in the end, having to stop several times to lift the dinghy outboard out of the water and remove the collected sargassum to prevent cavitation. And due to the abnormal wind direction, that nasty stuff is going to come into the otherwise pristine and protected  anchorages.

Work kept us busy as “dinghy wranglers” and we had to push, pull, get mooring lines and repeat many times. It was the final day of Classic Yacht Regatta Day 3 today so there was a big parade of boats.

After work I remained there until the Royal Naval Tot Club of Antigua, in which I participated as a guest. They had a special rum for the tot which was surprisingly good.

After the Tot I dinghied back to Zanshin, this time it was after sunset and at Dusk. I ran into several more sargassum patches on the way which delayed my return, but I did make it back in one piece.

A gallery of all of the images from all of the Regatta days can be found here.