Category: 2022-12 December Blog

Working and playing in Rodney Bay this month. The December blog encompasses a full month of living aboard Zanshin in St. Lucia. Mostly home-office work, some maintenance on the boat and just a little bit of play. Work commitments and waiting for my Starlink RV satellite antenna to arrive have kept me from traveling. Plus, I needed to work on the engine a bit as well.

But on the bright side of things, despite it being December, the temperature never dropped below about 26°C or around 80°F. That’s a marked contrast to the freezing storms in the USA or the mild winter weather in Germany. We’ve a long period with no wind or even gotten backwinded. So I’m still working and playing in Rodney Bay. This affected the ARC racers who expected a fast downwind run and ended up beating upwind at the end. Then we’ve had strong winds and rain. But each day had at least some period of sunshine and benign weather.