Reduit Beach is quiet
Reduit Beach is quiet
Picture of Arnd


2022-12-04 Quiet Sunday

Early Hours
Looking west in Rodney Bay
Looking west in Rodney Bay

The loud rap music ashore didn’t stop until about 02:00 but I had my fan running and that provided some white noise. The winds have really died down in the past day. This means that Zanshin will, every once in a while, lie across the waves and roll heavily for a bit. I’m getting acclimated to life aboard again, so it doesn’t bother me too much and I slept well this night. Today is going to be a quiet Sunday.

Awake at sunrise, I fired up the engine to charge the batteries while I made my first cup of coffee. I brought a kilogram of self-roasted coffee that is getting a bit stale, and my supplies are running low. I intend on heading north and Martinique will certainly have fresh coffee on offer.

Jabsco toilet still leaking a bit
Jabsco toilet still leaking a bit

The freshly repaired toilet is still leaking. Just a bit, and I haven’t put it to use so won’t have to disinfect with bleach again. I really, really don’t want to work in that cramped space. Especially today, as the wind is now gone and it quite hot belowdecks. I’m certain that I got the O-Ring to seal and am worried that the shaft seal on the motor might be the source. That steel shaft looked a bit corroded and pitted yesterday.

Manhattan Vistas 2019

I didn’t feel like doing anything aboard today, so I kept the inverter running and updated my website. I’ve added images to the United States of America page. For some reason, I had to reload the trip images from Newport to Annapolis, I couldn’t find them on my new website.

No wind day making a quiet Sunday
Windguru St. Lucia

No wind now according to my senses (and WindGuru). No waves either, just an occasional swell rolling Zanshin about. I know I’ve got lots of small tasks (plus the toilet) to take care but am really making with a quiet Sunday by doing a lot of nothing at all.

Rodney Bay dinghy dock panorama
Rodney Bay dinghy dock panorama

It has been stifling belowdecks for the past hour, so I decided to relent and rehydrate with an ice-cold beer from the fridge. Alas, the fridge has lots of items in it, but no frothy beverage! This prompted me to get into the dinghy and zip ashore to the marina. The grocery store was still open, but all of the local Piton beer was sold out and they only had chilled Heineken in the fridge. The 3L of beer only set me back XCD80 (about $30). Sigh.

I decided to head towards Pigeon Island to take some pictures and ended up going ashore at Jambe de Bois (Peg Legs, every island has at least one bar with that name). I joined some fellow sailors for a libation and decided to return there tomorrow for some food.