Paparazzi Pizza
Paparazzi Pizza
Picture of Arnd


2023-05-13 Maintenance Aboard


I’d been so full from my big dinner last night that I didn’t stay up very long, and slept through the night. Which meant that I got up at an ungodly hour for a Saturday. But with the early start come good intentions and I’m going to do maintenance aboard today.


It is 09:00 and I’m on my second cup of coffee. Perhaps my final one for the day, as I’ve run out of coffee filters. I’ve been using Melitta ones instead of the Hario filters and they don’t fit quite right. With a bit of massaging when wet they do fit into the Hario and got the filtering job done. I don’t think that paper towels are an acceptable substitute, so I’ll need to do some shopping later today.

Cleaning under the floorboards
Cleaning under the floorboards

I cleaned up a bit in the aft cabin. Both coffee stains and aggressive dust bunnies were successfully destroyed.

Cleaned and filled
Cleaned and filled

The gimballed oven has been out of balance and the locking mechanism hasn’t worked correctly. Fixed.

I’ve implemented a plugin called LiteSpeed cache and a redirect to speed up this website. That is taking a lot of configuration and manual intervention. But the results are quite impressive.

The downside is that there are daily and monthly limits to the free version. As this is hobby website, I’m not going to pay commercial prices for additional services. That means that it might take a couple of weeks for all the old pages to be updated and sped up. But even the older pages are already faster than they were before, so I’m not losing out at all.

Cleaning rust from BBQ
Cleaning rust from BBQ

I worked a bit on the computer, and didn’t do too much physical work aboard.

BBQ cleaning and reflecting
BBQ cleaning and reflecting

The BBQ was looking ratty, so I did give it special attention with rust remover and elbow grease. It now shines nicely and shows no sign of rust anymore.

Sunset in Falmouth
Sunset in Falmouth

Not wishing to appear too scruffy, I showered and shaved before going ashore. I originally intended on walking to the ATM at English Harbour to replenish my cash supplies.

Paparazzi Pizza
Paparazzi Pizza

But I didn’t make it far, the outside seats at Paparazzi Pizza were free and I decided to take advantage of that. It is Saturday and I knew they would be busy later.