Antigua Yacht Club marina Panorama
Antigua Yacht Club marina Panorama
Picture of Arnd


2023-05-12 Friday in Antigua

Too Early

I woke up too early on this wonderful Friday in Antigua. I’d gone to sleep a bit earlier than normal last night. Thus, I awoke about the same time earlier than normal this morning. This is probably a good sign that I’m getting enough sleep.

I attacked work with a vigor, we’d gotten the new software version installed and I worked through my list of bugs that were supposed to have been fixed. The first two bugs hadn’t been fixed. While determining that the third bug was still around I had second thoughts. I checked, and it turned out that the software version hadn’t been changed on the machine I was using for testing. Oh well, I had to write back to support and retract my observations.


I’ve been stuck working on one problem at work all day. I think I might be close to finding a solution. But I’ve been feeling that way since 2 hours, and am no closer to a solution now than I was a while back.


I still had a half cup of cold coffee when I stretched my arms and managed to nudge it off my table. It landed at just the right angle to spray milk coffee all over the back part of my main cabin. Companionway, galley, ceiling, walls, monitor, keyboard, and several other surfaces all got a generous coating. I did a quick wipe down, but everything now smells of coffee . I’m going to have to give the area a really good cleaning later on, after I finished work. What a mess.


Another steak went from the freezer to the sous-vide machine in the early afternoon. I will have to zip ashore later and get some potatoes and onions to complete my BBQ steak meal. That one PSMO that I butchered is going a long way – it is an optimal way to purchase excellent tenderloin if one is willing to cut around a bit.

Evening and Dinner
Antigua Yacht Club marina emptied on a Friday in Antigua
Antigua Yacht Club marina emptied

Shortly after 17:00 I made my run to Dockside Liquors at the docks in Falmouth Harbour. The price to pay for convenience is pretty high, though. I got a liter of UHT milk, three potatoes and an onion for US$10.

Racers at the AYC marina
Racers at the AYC marina

Prior to grilling at high heat for the sear, I put some compound butter on the steaks. The end result was perfect. Two of the three potatoes went into the fridge for future use. A great dinner on a Friday in Antigua; all that was missing was some company.