Falmouth Harbour Panorama
Falmouth Harbour Panorama
Picture of Arnd


2022-01-12 Antigua home-office and coffee

Megayachts and cruise ships
Megayachts and cruise ships

Antigua home-office and coffee procurement are my goals for the day. I’ve gotten some new neighbors overnight, ships big and small. When the wind died in the small hours I saw that one of the boats that had snuck in between the Oyster and myself had swung about and that we were within 10 feet of touching.  But soon thereafter we’d both rotated and were far apart. I hope that I had seen the closest approach we had to each other. Once the breeze picks up, all the boats will point in the same direction and separation is better.

Today is going to be an Antigua office for remote work and I’ll be getting fresh coffee from the local roasters later on.

SKAT (9906) in Falmouth
SKAT (9906) in Falmouth

Working remotely using the Starlink RV system is so much better than any other solution I’d attempted to date. While there are sporadic short-lived glitches noticeable during video conference calls, it is mostly a seamless connection for both downloads and uploads. The power consumption is noticeable, but not excessive. Overall it really is a game-changer for me.

Carib Bean Coffee Roastery
Carib Bean Roastery

After home-office it is now time to procure coffee.

I took a break from work and went ashore at the Catamaran Marina and walked up the hill to Carib Bean Coffee Roasters. I got 2 pounds of beans from their lightest roast, Guatemalan Antigua.

Roasting coffee at Carib Bean
Roasting coffee at Carib Bean

I am looking forward to having some freshly ground and freshly roasted coffee tomorrow morning. I’m running low on filters for my Hario V60, but have a lot of Aeropress filters. The Aeropress makes clean coffee, but only a small cup at a time while the Hario gives me a full mug in morning.

Looking towards Shirley Heights
Looking towards Shirley Heights

I’ve finished up with my remote work for the day and have shut down my sessions. I need to shave today in order to be somewhat presentable ashore; it is so easy to let oneself go when living on a boat. I’ve never assumed that the salty-looking unshaven sailors are anything special and usually will try to stay upwind of them…

Falmouth Harbour Docks

I don’t want to join those ranks; this is made easier by the (almost) unlimited water which  a watermaker allows one to use.

So my Antigua home-office day is over and I have procured my coffee. All that is left is clean up and head ashore for happy hour!

Fresh fish at the dock
Fresh fish at the dock

I had my Happy-hour libation and dinner at Club Sushi before returning to Zanshin. Tomorrow I depart the anchorage with my ultimate destination of St. Martin.