Sailing Regattas

I enjoy volunteering at sailing regattas. This isn’t only due to my wishing to give back to the sailing community or because of my philanthropic nature. My primary consideration is that when I’m a volunteer then I’m participating in a fun event, just not as a racer.  This means that I’m not going to be pushing poor Zanshin to her limits, potentially breaking or damaging the boat. It is also an admission that I’m a cruiser and not a racer, I’d  most likely always end up somewhere at the bottom of the rankings. My competitive nature would make that both chastening and depressing.

Instead, I’m happy to be a volunteer. I get to see the action close-up and get a free polo shirt or two. In addition, volunteers get all the girls (well, maybe not…). We do get free lunch and often free booze as well, so it’s not all bad.  My old regatta pages have been mangled or destroyed by my previous hosting company, but I’m slowly building up a list of them again. All of the regatta links are heavy on pictures and light on words. The only Regatta that I’ve participated in as a racer was the Newport-Bermuda race in 2022 and that was a lot fun, but rather strenuous.

Racers don’t usually see what goes on behind the scenes at these events. A surprising amount of serious work is involved in organizing a regatta, and without volunteers they would not be possible; or at least no affordable. And as one can imagine, organizing volunteers is like trying to herd cats.  At least we volunteers are worth every penny we get paid!

Crew Pictures
2022 Newport-Bermuda Race
Open class starting
2023 Heineken Regatta
Mah Jong at Windward Bay
2023 Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta
One second to go before the start
2023 Antigua Sailing Week
Nemo off Fort Charlotte
2023 Antigua-Bermuda Race (starts)
Heineken Regatta 2014
2014 Heineken Regatta
Substandard artwork
2014 Antigua Sailing Week
Monster Project crossing the finish
2015 Heineken Regatta
#096 - Imagine of Falmouth
2015 Antigua Sailing Week
Sailing the course
2016 Heineken Regatta
Note the pin end committee boat running to the line; we observe our end but they are much closer to the action and will call out any early starters
2016 Antigua Sailing Week
Heineken Regatta 2017 Day 3
2017 Heineken Regatta
The committee boat was favored for this race and the competitors all came by quite close
2017 Antigua Sailing Week
All in a line at the start
2022 Antigua Sailing Week