I motored across to Leverick Bay and took a mooring so that I could do a bit of provisioning and walking around plus use the internet connection to upload the collected pictures and blog entries to the website. The chop was up a bit, but the big winds weren’t scheduled to arrive until this evening and I wanted to be sure to have a good anchor set in the lee of Prickly Pear to escape the worst of the weather and there was no way I’d trust a mooring with those gusty winds and my heavy boat.
I’d e-mail with Kristine and Doug and knew that they would be arriving at Leverick shortly, I really wanted to visit with them and see their new yacht; but by the time I was ready to leave the mooring they hadn’t arrived. I worked below decks on updating the web pages and sometime in the afternoon I had a knock on the hull and they arrived, with two friends, and got a tour of Zanshin and a promise to reciprocate on the morrow when I could look at Dharma at the Leverick dock before we all went up the hill to “Hog Heaven”, which I have yet to visit.