Island time caught up with me today, I had no energy to do anything much and spent some time using my internet access to surf the web, do some online banking and paperwork and then read topsides for a while. There was little wind so it was quite hot aboard the boat today, a true tropical heat. I did some work on the dinghy mounts and got them to move a little bit, about 1/8th of a turn and then put some more PB-Blaster on them in the hopes that it would soak in overnight. I didn’t dive the hull to clean crud off and put on the new propeller shaft zincs because I couldn’t find the energy to put on the diving gear – that shows you how lazy a day it was.
I did get a recommendation for a nice restaurant for dinner, so I changed my cooking plans and went ashore, showered but not shaved and realized that it was Friday night and the village was rocking – the one bar/nightclub was overflowing to the street. I joined in a for a bit, then ate at “Ti Kaz La”, enjoying a fine Steack Tartar à la Italienne which I rarely trust restaurants to prepare correctly. Back aboard I finished watching the movie that I’d started a week earlier, tried (unsuccessfully) to identify constellations with the help of a PDF downloaded star chart, then fell asleep.
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