Early Morning
While I have vacation, I did promise to check in daily at work to see if there were any urgent issues. Of course, there was one this morning and I’ve spent the morning working away at resolving it. I dinghied John ashore at 08:30 as he is volunteering as well and has been asked to assist in the registration process; this begins today but I’d be quite surprised if it was busy.
I’m waiting on notification from Sunsail that the catamaran is ready and once I get that I’ll zip across to English Harbour and get my briefing on the charter boat and take it across to Falmouth Harbour. The distance between the two points is only a couple of hundred meters on foot, but by water it is a couple of miles to get from one harbour to the next.

I just got a message from the charter company that I should go there at 14:00, so I have a full 2 hours to either go ashore and socialize or remain aboard and clean up. I’m sure anyone reading this blog will know which options I chose.
John wasn’t busy so joined me for the pickup. We got there several minutes early and were told to come back at 14:15. We rounded up to 14:30 and had time for a small lunch; but of course, they weren’t even close to being ready when we returned.

Pippa, the skipper of the other boat, was also waiting and after a while the two of us got a very detailed walkthrough of the boat and briefing from Sunsail. That took almost an hour. Both boats are identical models, so he only had to go through it once.

During the briefing we saw that the water was low and the fuel partially empty on both boats; and it turned out that the fuel dock was closed. But they did manage to find some jerry cans of diesel and fill up the tanks before we finally got off the dock.

We motored around the corner and headed towards the dock. John and I were first, so we had the easy job and Pippa soon followed us and tied up alongside.
We had to get the boats ready for habitation and that took us well into the volunteer meet-and-greet session.
For dinner we joined Alec and Myron and somehow, we ended up at Trappas again for a tasty meal.