Simpson Bay panorama
Simpson Bay panorama
Picture of Arnd


2024-04-06 Catching up on work


I woke up with the sun and decided to try my luck with the remote office authentication system again. Much to my surprise it worked, and I got an immediate SMS token with which I logged in. I saw that quite a bit of unfinished items awaited me, and I chose to work today in order to catch up.

Morning solar power
Morning solar power

It is going to be a scorcher of a day with light winds today, so I want to finish up inside as quickly as possible so that I can go outside and enjoy the breeze. The solar panels are working very well, it is currently barely 10AM and they are putting out around 600W.  That will change later, as the panels will probably get partially shaded by the mast and boom.

Work and Heat
Lapping the V1505 valves
Lapping the V1505 valves

The winds were down and there were no shading clouds in sight, so I had my fans going belowdecks as I worked on the computer and later switched to working on the generator engine.

Valves after lapping and cleaning
Valves after lapping and cleaning

I needed to lap the valve seats and then clean up as much of the grinding compound as possible. I had the items on the table and while the work wasn’t particularly strenuous, I had to bend over to work, and the sweat was dripping down and pooling in my glasses!


I went to the Soggy Dollar to meet with my cronies, and they were setting up the stage for a big event. They were also doing sound checks for the 2 or perhaps 3 bands and they got successively louder and worse in the 20 minutes I was there. The usual crowd at the bar was missing entirely and the few cruisers were huddled in the corner furthest away from the source of the noise. I chose to flee as soon as I could politely extricate myself from the conversations going on around me.

Sunset from Kim Sha beach
Sunset from Kim Sha beach

Instead of returning to the boat, I chose to head to Buccaneer’s Beach Bar. Percy Rankin was playing music, and the crowd was growing as the night progressed. I had some ribs with salad for dinner and left early at about 8PM.