John and Desmond at the Soggy Dollar
John and Desmond at the Soggy Dollar
Picture of Arnd


2024-03-14 Another day in the lagoon

Same old, same old
Bravado heading to the exit bridge
Bravado heading to the exit bridge

As with the previous days, the morning was spent working on the computer and from mid-afternoon onwards my time was my own. Big yacht came in and went out, as did many smaller boats belonging to mere mortals. The wind has started picking up a bit, so condition below decks are more comfortable.

I waited for the technician from Electec to contact me and come aboard to work on the generator but that didn’t happen. In the end I went ashore to the maintenance offices and it turns out that they’d forgotten me. Probably because I hadn’t called 3 times a day… They will now show up early next week. Maybe.

I am going to get some new solar panels for the boat and measured and calculated. Tomorrow I’ll go get the mounting hardware from Ace and purchase the 2x 175W panels.

Canine visitor
Canine visitor

But now it is time for a happy hour drink before the rain starts.

I made it to happy hour, but got soaked by the showers while sitting outside for dinner and on the dinghy ride back to the boat.