A new wave pattern arrived in the anchorage at about 02:00am and made all the boat, including some catamarans, roll uncomfortably in the light winds. I’d seen the waves in the forecast, but didn’t think that they would have that much effect. There will be several days of north swell in the near future and I’d planned on entering the lagoon for that, but will see about taking an afternoon inbound bridge after work.
After finishing the work day in the creaking and rolling boat, I headed ashore to see if I could purchase a copper connector for my new batteries so that I didn’t have to use cables for the series connection in the battery pairs. The rolling was far too much to even think about purchasing the second group of batteries. Ashore I found a copper bus bar at Electec (for $200!) and they told me that the guys in the shop would cut it into chunks for me. At the shop, the two Dominican guys set to work drilling out the M6 holes to M8 so that it would fit over the terminals.

They had a hand drill which didn’t work, then the drill press wouldn’t allow us to change the bit which was inserted. Finally one of the guys took the bar to an auto shop around the corner which had a functioning drill press. Upon return, he then used a flex to cut the bar into chunks. All this had taken much longer than expected.

I made it back to Zanshin and prepared the dinghy for towing through the bridge. Then I weighed anchor and made it just in time for the 3PM inbound opening. Inside the lagoon was calmer, but now I had to search for a place to anchor. Due to Zanshin’s draft this is no easy task. I finally anchored in a spot close to the Soggy Dollar, but during the swings I am most certainly in the channel and will have to relocate soon.
I went ashore after finishing my anchoring process and had a quick meal before retiring for the night.