Morne Rouge
Morne Rouge vista
Picture of Arnd


2024-02-04 Driving around the Island

Sunday on Grenada

I spent much of today driving around the island. I had to return my car in the afternoon, so I drove into town, St. Georges, amongst other destinations. Grenada is quite large compared to many of the other islands, and the roads are in fair to middling condition. They are currently brightly painted in Grenada’s colours and festooned with flags in preparation for Wednesday.

There were two cruise ships in town, and I opted to stay out of the city, as that would just be “another” town. I was more interested in the villages and back roads, the cane distilleries and the spice plantations.

Car return
Distant St. Georges
Looking at distant St. Georges

I filled up the tank and returned the rental car to Gabriel’s lot, but nobody was there. After waiting around 15 minutes I decided to walk back to the hotel. That would take over an hour and since it is Sunday I wasn’t optimistic about catching one of the buses that normally come by every couple of minutes. But luckily the owners came by and drove me back to the hotel.

Beach from above
Looking down at Morne Rouge

For the rest of the day I read my book, “The Brothers Karamazov”, and enjoyed the relaxation that comes along with sitting at a beach.