Hunters above
Hunters above
Picture of Arnd


2023-07-18 Departure Clock is ticking

I’ve got to balance my office work with preparatory work on Zanshin. The departure clock is ticking and I want to make sure that I can get everything done on time so that I can be ready to leave.

I’ve got two main worries – the mast boot leak didn’t solve the problem. It did much to ameliorate the water ingress, though. But during the rains some water continued to come inside. And I noticed that the bilge water sensor didn’t kick in. I suspect it is the relay on the switch rather than the pump sensor.


I’m not going to be able to make coffee without getting some filters. Despite the winds kicking up a bit, I dinghied into Hillsborough to see if I could get some satisfaction there. To no avail, all of the 3 stores I visited either didn’t carry coffee filters of any kind, or they were out.


I puttered about the boat a bit, went swimming, cleaned the hull, did computer work, made a last batch of Bolognese sauce and filled the freshwater tanks. But I didn’t do any real preparatory work. Although the departure clock is ticking, there’s still a lot of time left in Grenada

I did work on my travel itinerary, though. I now have my flight to Germany booked, but I’m going to Munich airport to save some time afterwards with a shorter train ride. I’ve still got 8 hours at Gatwick, but I hope to find something to do there apart from drink coffee and read my Kindle e-books.

I arrive too late in the evening to catch a train, so I’ll spend the night at a hotel close to the airport and then take an ICE for my final leg of the long journey.