My sleep was fitful, I think it was because I’m worried about getting my data back from the failed computer disk. Plus we’ve got a full moon coming up tonight. Today is going to be a work aboard day as I’ve got lots of things to take care of.
I’m drinking coffee now and working at restoring some of the programs on the computer. The mooring collectors should be by sometime soon to collect; I’ll pay ahead for a whole week.
I’d forgotten how much is involved in setting up a computer environment so that it is just right; there are so many small tweaks that I need to do, each in a different place.
I washed the collected dishes in the galley during breaks from working on the computer. The wind has died down almost completely. All of the boats in the anchorage, including Zanshin, are drifting around in lazy circles. Despite coming relatively close to my neighbours, I don’t think that there’s a chance of touching another boat.

Just before noon I went into town to do my shopping. I found a bakery and got 3 baguettes, two of which are destined for the freezer. The grocery store was still open, so I got some cheese to accompany the bread. That will form the foundation of my dinner tonight.

The locals all had the right idea, purchasing drinks at the grocery store then partying in the shade by the beach. All the good shaded spots were taken by cliques. Or occupied by smokers, so I departed and motored back to distant Zanshin.

The anchorage is empty with many mooring balls free and even the anchoring zone is mostly empty. The difference between now and high season is marked. But I like it here now – despite the heat.
I tested part of a baguette for taste upon my return. It passed with flying colours, I was tempted to continue eating my way along the bread but managed to hold back. 2 of the 3 baguettes have now been sealed and are cooling in the freezer.

I cooled myself down with a swim. Armed with scraper and a kitchen scrubber, I engaged battle with the flora growing upon the hull. While I might have won today’s battle, I fear that without resorting to heavier equipment I might lose this war.

I’d checked with the Photographer’s Ephemeris site earlier in the day to find out when, and where, tonight’s full moon would be rising. I thought I had a good angle with Le Chameau‘s bulk resting between my location and where the moon would be rising.
What I miscalculated was how close I was to the mountain and how long it would block the view of the rising moon. I’m moored very close and the track of the moon was very close to the angle of the mountainside. That meant that the moon was close to being visible for a very long time. I’d been waiting, camera at the ready, for almost 40 minutes before the moon finally made an appearance.