All work and no play
Today’s a dreary Friday aboard the boat. At work I have a long list of bugs and changes in our software. We’ve just installed a new version which should have fixed over 50 of these. The operative words are “should have”. But the quality of what has actually been delivered is lacking and less than half of the items ostensibly fixed haven’t been changed at all. That is not only unacceptable from a quality point of view, but has wasted this Friday in setting up my test cases only to find that nothing has gotten better.
It is now almost 16:00. I’m shutting down my virtual computer at work, having started just after 5AM.
I looked into the freezer for dinner candidates and was surprised to see that all the ice had disappeared from the condenser plate. My nice sous-vide steaks were partially thawed, too! Therefore they had to go into the cooker and will be my dinner tonight. I’ll have to see what else I’ve got in there which might need cooking ASAP rather than going bad. I don’t know what might have caused the problem – yet another item to check up on this weekend.
Late Afternoon
The beef is heating away in the sous-vide cooker and it is hot aboard; even the fan is having trouble moving the hot and heavy air around.

I prepared a mini corn on the cob and a peppercorn steak sauce and then got the steak out of the sous-vide bath. It turns out that this wasn’t a steak, but smaller cuts of the tenderloin that I was going to use for stir-fry or something similar. No steaks for me on this dreary Friday.
The beef is already perfectly done inside and out and tender, but the coloration is downright ugly. The beef needs a Maillard sear for the

caramelization taste and typical color. I had to use aluminum foil to prevent some of the smaller pieces from falling through the BBQ grill