Deshaies Shoreline
Deshaies Shoreline
Picture of Arnd


2023-05-22 Swinging around at anchor


I was up and about early for work and conditions were perfect in Deshaies.  But soon the windstill conditions caused everyone to start swinging around at anchor. There’s a good swell wrapping around the north end of Guadeloupe. This means that occasionally Zanshin is rocking around heavily, although most of the time things are calm.  I’m hoping for a bit of wind to keep Zanshin aligned correctly and to prevent the swell from even getting noticed.

Swinging around at anchor in the calm anchorage
Calm in the anchorage

Just getting out of the virtual office now, and the waves have settled somewhat. I’ve been chomping at the bit all day with plans to head ashore for some steak tartar at Mahina; but I checked their website just now and found out that they are closed for the next 2 weeks!

I’ll have to either cook aboard or find another place ashore. Since rains have set in and don’t look like they are going to go away, I think I’ll be cooking aboard tonight.

Sunset in Deshaies
Sunset in Deshaies

I thawed out some Chistorra sausage and made rice plus some corn on the cob for dinner. It was filling and spicy, but I think I added too much salt to the rice.