Club Sushi on Lay Day
Club Sushi
Picture of Arnd


2023-05-03 Antigua Sailing Week Lay Day


Habits die hard and I woke with the sun again. Today is lay day and I’ve got nothing planned at all, so I could have slept in.

After making my morning coffee I sat down at the computer and fired up Adobe Lightroom, my photo management software. I’ve got a lot of images from the past couple of days that need to be culled, culled again, edited, culled and then published on this blog.

Apart from making more coffee and calls of nature I worked on the images all morning.


I cleaned up the forward cabin for a little while before returning to my editing. Lay Day really is meant as a day of physical rest. Although my body was recuperating, working at the computer isn’t really rest. I’m getting a bit weary of straightening and color correcting all these pictures before deciding that they won’t make the cut and deleting them.

I’ve discovered a new feature, which applies to RAW images taken with high ISO settings. This noise-reduction feature will remove quite a bit of noise in those images. When zoomed in the reduction in those noisy pixels is impressive. And at a higher scale the pictures to look a lot better as well. The price is 10 minutes or so of computing time per image. It uses the video card for number crunching, so I would think that my computer back home will do this much, much faster.


I did a walk ashore to stretch my legs and then returned to reading my book, resting, and picture editing aboard Zanshin.


Tonight is Quiz Night at Club Sushi and we’d put together a team. We had a number of last-minute cancellations so that left Nigel, Alec, Neil and myself. But shortly before the quiz began we were joined by “Fungus” (as you might suspect, that’s a nickname and not on his passport).  We had a really good run until the music round. Then we realized that our expertise in classic Rock & Roll and oldies counted for naught when they played modern Hip Hop. To add insult to injury, there were points for naming all artists. So while we got 2 points for “Space Oddity” and “David Bowie”, others got 5 points for some song with a cast of thousands. We made 4th place, so had to settle our drink tab from our own wallets rather than getting our drinks paid for as the winning prize.