Mark and Arnd at the SMYC
Mark and Arnd at the SMYC
Picture of Arnd


2023-03-25 Welcome to the Weekend

Welcome to the Weekend! I have a long list of tasks that I’d like to complete this weekend, and should get started early. I had a good sleep and feel energized this morning. Partly that’s because I made an extra strong coffee to get going.


Although I was feeling energetic, I didn’t do much in the morning after.  I played around with this website, trying to get popup-windows with GPS tracks to open on a new logbook page. This is more difficult than I’d thought, it took 2 coffees and some fried eggs before I realized I’d whiled away much of the morning.

Teak step repair and welcome to the Weekend
Teak step repair

I sprung to action and glued a teak step and did the dishes. Then, just like the parrot, I was tired and shagged out from all the work and ended up here at the computer again.

Realizing that I was procrastinating again, I decided that the water conditions were conducive to cleaning the hull and put together my dive gear. I got everything attached and tested the air supply and inflated the BCD prior to putting it into the water. And kept on inflating. It wouldn’t fill up and I found a very large opening around a seal. This was not where it could be repaired, so I gave up on the project. 

I returned to the PC and think I’ve now figured out a way to create a logbook where the tracks can be opened with a button, like the one below:


The Ocean Explorers dive shop in Kimsha beach became my next destination. I know that dive operators often sell their used BCDs once they start looking a bit ratty and hoped to acquire one there. I used the opportunity to once again fill 2 jerry cans with diesel. This time the fuel attendant was there, but he informed me that they were out of diesel until Monday. Oh well, two successful runs in a row to the IWW fuel dock was just too much to ask for. The dive shop owners weren’t there, I’d have to return on another day. But I did get some eggs and bread at the local small Chinese grocery.

5 o’clock Bridge
Mark and Arnd at the SMYC
Mark and Arnd at the SMYC

I made it to the SMYC for the 4 o’clock outbound bridge and ended up staying longer than I’d planned on. Just before 17:00 Mark came by and we watched the entrance procession and chatted for a long time before he returned to his boat and I had a small snack before returning to mine as well. This is a welcome to the weekend for most people on a Saturday night.  I’d vague plans of putting my purchased eggs into the fridge and returning ashore, but decided that there was no reason to head out on a Saturday night when everything ashore was too busy and too crowded, I could wait until another night.

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