Grand Case beaches
Grand Case beaches
Picture of Arnd


2023-02-15 Catching up on work


The wind and waves died away overnight. I had the fan running for background “white noise” against the light slapping on the stern. It was great to have a solid sleep platform again and I had a great night’s sleep. So today I’m catching up on work – both at the office and on the boat.


That sleep translated to a good morning in the virtual office and I made some progress in my testing new software and took part in a couple of web-based meetings. It turns out that I’ll have to learn Python after all.

Dragging is a drag…
Dock line fouled my anchor
Dock line fouled my anchor

In the middle of a conference call with my colleague Ralf something aboard didn’t feel right. I went topsides and found that the boat behind me was closer than I’d remembered. The wind had just shifted and strengthened, which could have explained things – but it just didn’t feel right. I cut the call short, fired up the engine and went forward to lift up the anchor. It came up, but far too easily! A length of discard dock line had fouled it completely and the poor anchor had no chance of holding. When we’d arrived last night we let out a lot of chain and I backed down on it to make sure we were made fast. I think that the chain alone held us, and only the freshening wind had given us enough pressure on the chain to get the anchor hopping across the bottom.

I won’t tell Dan that – I’ll just blame him for the episode 😊


Now that I’ve finished catching up on work I’ll do a bit working ahead. That’ll give me some buffer for tomorrow afternoon, when Suzy and Dan are going to come aboard and help me finish off the T-Bone and Ribeye steaks.

I took another foray into my VW TDI engine issues, now that I have easy access to the computerized ODB-II data while the engine is running. I regret to admit that I made absolutely no progress.