Rosie, Alec, and I brought back the committee boats in the morning. First, we had to go through them and remove all the items that belonged to ASW and to crewmembers. Then a couple of trips to shore with full garbage bags to remove all the accumulated detritus of a week’s worth of having several people aboard.
The trip back to Jolly Harbour was nicer and faster thanks to small waves and a good following wind that let me put out the jib to get an extra knot or two of speed. That still did not transform our wallowing floating condo into a sleek racing machine that cut through the waves. Perhaps the large biotope that we have growing on the Anagua’s hulls had something to do with that. I think it is the nautical equivalent of driving a car with the handbrake pulled all the way up.

Upon our return to Falmouth the two of them checked into their hotel with the intention of staying in frosty air-conditioned rooms for the remainder of the day and I returned to Zanshin armed with a MiFi device so that I could finally catch up on my internet after over a week’s worth of abstaining. Unfortunately, the SIM card with the data plan inside the device had expired either on the validity dates or on the data plan and I was unable to connect.
I then opened the generator with the intention of replacing the cooling water impeller. I was hit with a strong smell of diesel and had to use 2 fuel mats to soak up the leaked fuel. As the generator was still hot/warm I decided to postpone the repairs until such time as I had time, energy, and a cold block to work with. So instead, I downloaded the ASW pictures from my camera and started culling the herd and pre-editing the survivors. This took a long time, and I finished my first pass just in time to dinghy ashore and have dinner at Paparazzi’s with Rosie and Alec.
I got back to the boat at 21:00 and only read a couple of pages in my book before falling asleep. Not an exciting Saturday evening with lots of action ashore and music blaring from Pigeon beach, but it is going to feel great to catch up on sleep.