Stacking up building material
Stacking up building material
Picture of Arnd



House purchase

House top floor plan
Floor Plan

I’ve been searching for a house to buy for quite some time now, but the market where I am in Germany isn’t great – either the houses are too run-down to even attempt at renovating, or the asking price is outrageously high. But I recently found a terraced house (“Reihenhaus” in German) built in the early 1970’s which has a modern floor plan but is in desperate need of modernization.

My plan is to renovation sections at a time after my normal workday. Doing this will keep me out of trouble at night…

Turning three bedrooms into two

Renovation drywall and junk

The first part of the renovations is turning the 3 smallish bedrooms that are in a row into two larger bedrooms with a walk-in closet each. The first step was to rip out the original 2 OSB walls and replace them with drywall. The old drywall ceilings needed removal, then I added two new layers of modern insulation before putting in a wooden ceiling covering.