St. Vincent and the Grenadines

The islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines lie in the southern portion of the Caribbean chain. They are tucked in between St. Lucia to the north and Grenada to the south.
The country gets very mixed reviews amongst cruisers. Most say that it is somewhat dangerous, and crime ridden. This means that visitors have to be particularly wary at all times. While petty theft and thefts of opportunity are not uncommon in the Caribbean, it seems that it is particularly common here. Others extoll the beauty of the islands, particularly the Grenadines in the south.
This is the southern big island and is the only place I’ve stopped at. Briefly. I anchored one night in Port Elizabeth while fleeing south from the 2023 tropical storm Bret. I will return and spend more time here on Bequia, and on the other islands.
The Tobago Keys are perhaps the most well-known destination in the Grenadines. But I’ve heard that they can get overcrowded, and they are now charging (inordinate) fees for everything. And that the boat boys are a little too forward in their ministrations as well. But without exception the cruisers I’ve spoken with have said that the anchorages are beautiful. So next time I’m in those waters I’ll certainly stop in the Tobago Keys, even if I don’t spend time on the main island and Bequia.