Countries visited (aboard Zanshin)

When I started to compile this list, I was more than a bit surprised at how few countries I’ve visited aboard Zanshin. Considering I’ve spent many months sailing around the Caribbean over the past years, I thought it would be quite a bit more. But what it lacks in width it makes up for in depth. I’ve stayed months at time in many of these islands. For the most part, I’ve gotten to know the geography and the people quite well.
Despite many of these Caribbean nations being within eyesight of each other, they remain culturally much more diverse and distinct than their geographic proximity suggests. The erstwhile French colonies differ from those where England was dominant; and the Swedish and Danish and Spanish all played a formative role as well.
The Caribbean is such a wonderful place to explore. Once through the Panama Canal I will need a lot of time to traverse the Pacific. That means I’ll be away from work for more than a half-year, which is too long for the type of project work I do. Since I still enjoy working, I’ll postpone the start of the circumnavigation. But not indefinitely.
I plan on expanding both the breadth and depth of the countries visited on these pages; there is so much to explore and experience out there! I’m just a short hop from some new nations to the south. Perhaps I’ll soon be able to add a full visit to St. Vincent & the Grenadines soon…
Click on the image below to see Zanshin’s current location: