Old homepageThe Original SV-Zanshin Website was essentially destroyed when my old hosting provider changed their software. More of the story can be found here. The changes invalidated the website and I couldn’t recover without manually changing every page. That was too much effort for a hobby site. The old site was manually coded and was not very responsive despite my best efforts. I thought about using newer technology and opted to utilize WordPress as my content management system. I searched for a new hosting provider that was specialized in such hosting and ended up with Bluehost.
All of the blog posts from the old SV-ZANSHIN.COM Website can be found here, converted semi-automatically. They will contain several types of formatting errors, but for the most part should at least display their salient content correctly. The original site has been partially saved at the Wayback Machine location. So while the original SV-Zanshin Website has gone the way of the dodo, the new Zanshin-Sailing one is alive and kicking.