Category: Boots

I’ve worn mass-produced footwear until a couple of years ago. I usually bought the cheapest ones I could find, thinking that there wasn’t much of a difference. My only requirement was that they were made of leather. But what type and quality didn’t matter as much.
Then I decided to have my feet measured into a personal last and have some Goodyear-welted business shoes made. This was quite expensive, but the resulting shoes more than made up for this investment. I hadn’t known that using shoes could actually be so comfortable. I’ll never go back to the discount-rack in a shoe store again. Come to think of it, my shoe-store visits have been severely curtailed.
I love leather soles and all my shoes, except my boots, have leather on both the topsides and soles. While they can be slippery in many conditions and need substantially more care than other soles, they are breathable and incredibly comfortable. Unlike cheaper footwear, they can be re-soled multiple times which increases their longevity.
I needed some work and hiking boots and previously like the rugged Danner models I had. But I wanted something with more solidity and more leather and finally went to Pacific Northwest style boots, among the sturdiest and hardiest of boots available. While there are several comparable manufacturers there, I went with Nicks Handmade Boots and while I’m sure their competitors make similar products, I’m sticking with what I know and like and 2 pair now and am debating getting a third pair even though I know I don’t need them.