Most of the content and pages on this site are to be found right here in the blog section. I’ve kept a daily blog since 2009 for the times I’ve been aboard and cruising. I’ve accumulated over 1500 posts over the years, plus numerous non-diary pages. Almost every day has a descriptive text entry (my family-safe online diary) along with several pictures.Unfortunately, due to a hosting issue, the blog pages prior to 2022 have lost both their initial layout and formatting, making them read more like a book page rather than a web page. But at least the texts and pictures are still there for your viewing pleasure.
This site revolves around sailing and cruising in the Caribbean; therefore, this section has the most entries. Everything apart from the blog pages that has anything to do with sailing can be found somewhere in this menu list.
Anything not directly sailing or cruising related finds its way here. Despite being a sailing site, there’s still a lot of stuff to be found in this menu list.
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February blog