Today I just rested aboard the boat. Although I tried to do a bit of cleaning up, my back wasn’t up to the task. But I did get someone, a gent called Chubby who was thin as a rail, to wash all the salt off the decks and topsides. Every single surface had a gel-like covering of salt on it, so that was quite a bit a work indeed. I went off to Nanny Cay to see about getting a replacement antenna for the Wi-Fi and to check on storage options. Of course the electronics shop didn’t carry the $40 antenna but offered me a new system for $600 which would include the antenna. I declined politely.
I visited Malcolm and Candace and joined them for lunch at The Sugar Mill and later returned to the boat to rest up. In the late afternoon around happy hour I heard some commotion ashore and saw a crowd gathering. I joined them and it turns out that Wednesdays they have RC model laser sailboat racing and it was a blast to watch the competitors (as well as the sailboat, but the watching people was more fun).