The winds were howling through the anchorage, with sustained winds of over 20-25 knots and occasional mad gusts whipping up the surface waters of the anchorage and jerking the boat about on it’s anchor. I’m sure that the anchor is holding, but it is probably buried quite deeply and lifting it up when I leave might be a bit of work. I stayed aboard most of the day, running the generator for an hour in the morning to charge the batteries and warm up the engine compartment to let the remaining diesel evaporate and disperse the associated fumes. So far no water or fuel leaks after 2 hours of runtime so I think our repairs have held.
I finally repaired my broken toilet seat and use the opportunity to attack the corrosion in the aft head with toothbrush and Star Clean, then a bit more maintenance on the boat and caught up over a week’s worth of blog entries and photos.
I’d agreed to meet with Mark from “Sea Life” to head out to a floating bar called “The Pink Iguana” to see a happy hour show featuring the Synergy Violins. They had 3 violinists plus a drummer and were fun to listen to; offering a novel twist on the typical music heard here in the Caribbean. But the wind was still strong and despite wearing jeans and a thick polo shirt I was freezing up on the top deck. Mark had introduced me to another sailor, Matt, who has a unique car (a golden coloured X3) and the three of us went to Maho and dined at a Tex-Mex restaurant called “3 Amigos”. Dinner was tasty and filling but all of us were fading pretty fast and we called it an early night and returned to our boats.