Heineken Regatta 2017 Day 2
Heineken Regatta 2017 Day 2
Picture of Arnd


Today’s commute was timed better than on the previous day and this time I took both Shaun and Wanita along as they would keep the car and play tourist during the day while I was aboard the committee boat. They dropped me off right on time and went off to get a full breakfast while I made do with two croissants and a coffee. We made it through the 08:00 bridge as the first boat to depart and were soon on station – sort of. I dropped and attempted to set the anchor 5 times using all of our chain and each time I could feel the anchor scratch along the bottom and refuse to catch hold; this is my all-time record for bad anchoring. We finally found a spot with no rubble or rock and luckily our hook held in time for us to set up the start line before any delays had to be set for the starts.

The competitors were a bit better organized on today’s starts and the lines were a bit closer with only 2 boats over the line and both realized their error and returned to the start. Unfortunately the first race had issues – one of the turn points was missing and couldn’t be located. I had looked in that direction several times and saw a mark in the distance, but unfortunately that turned out to be a mark for the cruise ships approaching Philipsburg. I didn’t know what the distance should be, so assumed that this was the turn point; when we finally laid the turn point I could see it with my naked eyes as it was much closer than I’d thought. Ahh well… That day’s first race for most of the classes had to be discarded by the jury after our RO had filed for redress on behalf of all competitors who were affected.

Wanita and Shaun picked me up in the afternoon and we returned to Grand Case. Today’s fare for dinner was different from the previous nights as we decided to visit one of the LoLos rather than a fancy restaurant. The food was copious, spicy and inexpensive and we sat at a table right over the Grand Case beach.

My old hosting company, who will remain unnamed although their name starts with “go” and the end rhymes with “baddy”, changed their software with little notice and the original SV-ZANSHIN.COM site stopped working overnight. 

Every.  Single.  Page. 

So I’ve transitioned to another provider. These original pages have been migrated, but all the formatting and other features are gone and the will still contain numerous display issues and formatting anomalies. 

The manual effort of conversion is too much and not worth the effort involved. Over 1000 blog diary pages like this one are going to remain in this condition. The pictures are full-scale, but won’t expand when clicked. But you can copy them to view them in their original splendour.