Today was “Splash Day” and after Zanshin was put into the water and I was ready to head to my dock slot it turn out that the engine didn’t want to start (again). In the end I started the generator to charge the starter battery and used the engine pre-heater to warm up the diesel block and then the engine fired up with barely a wisp of white smoke.
Then it was yet another day of activity aboard the boat cleaning up after the mice and preparing for heading out – but at the end of a strenuous day I was ready for a shower and clean-up then off to the “Elm” in Cane Garden Bay to listen to the Elmtones and enjoy a night with Candace and Malcolm plus whomever would show up at Malcolm’s reserved front-row table. I had the ribs which somehow disappeared into my hungry maw at speed and a couple of beers which put me in a very tired frame of mind and I didn’t last until the end of the second set before returning back to my room for a night’s sleep with the ocean surf crashing in the background.