I brought my bimini to the sail maker’s at 8:00 in the morning in the hopes that being early could get me brought to the front of the line, but the work floor was already full of sails being repaired and they weren’t sanguine about my chances of getting my work done that day. Despite that I remain optimistic about getting out of the lagoon in the next day or two. I returned to the boat to finish the last wiring when Mark asked if I could look at his recently comatose computer; it had stopped booting the day before and none of the normal lights was on. We took the notebook apart and made sure that the power supply was functioning and I tried to trace the power problem, with no luck. I pronounced it deceased, but Mark wanted a second opinion and later took it into a computer repair shop ashore. But between those times we took a bus into Phillipsburg and went shopping, starting with Blue Point and ending up at a couple of stores on Front Street and comparing notebooks and prices. I used that time to also check out the camera lenses on offer and was sorely tempted by the Nikon Fish-eye lens, which I will probably purchase next time I’m in town.
Upon return in the late afternoon I saw that Mark on Sanctuary was anchored just upwind of me in the lagoon and dropped by there at sunset for a chat. He and his two guests were heading to Pineapple Pete’s for the live music later but I wanted to spend at least one quiet night aboard the boat without going ashore and drinking/eating to excess tonight, so made a mixed rice dinner and read my book rather than go ashore.
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