After a relaxing night asleep inside the lagoon, I woke up early and felt myself start to unwind. While there a good internet connection that I can purchase from Palapa Marina, I don’t like that their sign up webpage where one enters all the credit card details is not secured and this is the type of place where criminals hang out in order to get the easy pickings from the visiting tourists, and it would be so easy to set up a scanner to catch the unencrypted browsing data that I am not going to risk it. I’ll have to ask Mark where to get a local SIM card and internet connection.
I zipped across to Island Waterworld to get my new dinghy and also to get the supplies I needed to ensure that the dinghy would remain mine and not go walkabout elsewhere, including a big lock and wire. I’d forgotten about using dissimilar metals on the new aluminum dinghy, so the stainless steel chain for locking it up is not a good option. I did put my stainless dinghy anchor and chain into an IKEA bag to stow in the forward compartment, though. I transferred the 9.8 Tohatsu to the new dinghy and towed the old one behind me on the way back to the boat, I’ll have to see about finding a new home for it.
I dozed for a while in the cockpit and then approached the never-ending task of cleaning and rust removal in the cockpit. I had been very lucky as a series of showers had passed through, cleaning much of the salt off the decks and fittings. But I used a bucket with freshwater and a rag to remove the salt and remnants on the items in the cockpit and then did some stainless work before putting the covers on the wheels and winches.
Somehow the day had passed and when 17:00 rolled around I headed to the Bridge for the opening and after watching a small amount of boats go through I went to Barnacle’s for a happy hour libation and also had a dinner meal there before heading back to the boat. I watched one of the movies that I’d been given while in Europe and had an otherwise uneventful evening.
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