My old hosting company changed their software and the original SV-ZANSHIN.COM site stopped working overnight. Every. Single. Page. So I’m transitioning theat site to these pages and they will still contain numerous issues and errors. Please bear with me. I’ve got over 1000 blog diary pages and hundreds of site pages to transition…
After the crowds from Tuesday’s road fair in Grand Case departed I debated what I should do; I finally am going to get the paperwork for the boat via FedEx in the next 2 days so will head to Marigot for that, but I was comfortably anchored so I opted to spend the day doing nothing (again). I did a dive at Creole rock in the hopes that visibility would finally be acceptable, but it wasn’t… I scuba dived a complete circumnavigation of the rocks underwater and hoped that the Atlantic side would be nicer. Although the scenery was a lot more interesting, the heavy swell under the water, even at 20 feet, made for difficult swimming and terrible pictures and the 2 big spotted eagle rays I noticed managed to stay well out of camera distance and although I took a total of 80 pictures, only 3 were even marginally acceptable and all the rest have been deleted!
I went ashore in order to get some staples and walked around Grand Case a bit more, finding Octopus Diving and getting some great advice from Sally and Chris regarding equipment and I got to see a re-breather kit for the first time and am playing with the idea of taking a technical diving class (going down with 2 or more tanks and staying longer with a series decompression stops on the way back up).