Wednesday, December 08, 2010
While I had planned on remaining at anchor today, the wind died down almost completely in the North Sound and Zanshin I started lying broadside on to the swell and was rolling uncomfortably so I decided to get the boat ready and sail up to Anegada for the night. The sail went well, with wind 60° from the front at under 10 knots it was a beautiful sail. Even the entrance channel seemed deeper than before, never reading below 2 feet (under the keel) until I anchored outside of the mooring field. I put out 60 feet or so of chain and settled down for a lazy afternoon of reading on deck and then doing some splicing and lifeline work before the sun set. I ate the last steak on board and then headed ashore to say “hello” at Potter’s by the Sea. While the mooring field was full of boats and quite a few were anchored as I was, there wasn’t all that much going on ashore but I did have a couple of drinks at the bar and congratulate Liston on his Birthday!