Wednesday, May 05, 2010
It was another late start day, leaving the Prickly Pear anchorage at 11am in order to pick up badly needed emergency rations (Carib Beer) at Leverick Bay. After stocking up we had a comfortable downwind sail of 30 miles to Great Harbour on Jost van Dyke. As we had 2 people aboard, I finally decided to try out the spinnaker boom to pole out the genoa. This was almost a disaster, as I found out the hard way that the main shackle was spring loaded. Fortunately, I still have the finger and I’m optimistic that the wound I received will stop bleeding today and hopefully heal quickly. The upside is that I can now delegate the cleanup work to Björn; he’s doing the breakfast dishes while I write this entry.
Arriving in Great Harbour at 6:00pm or so, we had dropped anchor when a gent aboard a boat behind us and to the side waved at us and shouted that we were over his anchor. Weighing anchor, we attempted to anchor again but it dragged but our third time was a charm. We headed out for drinks and dinner at Corsair’s ashore. The pizza was awesome and we had too much to drink at the bar after our pizza. luckily, no hangover 😀