502 Bad Gateway

Sorry for having to show you the 502 “Bad Gateway” error page.
If you are seeing this, it means that there is an internal issue with the site’s servers. It has nothing to do with the actual pages and nothing to do with you, the browser client.
This error is seen when there is a communications issue between the gateway server and the backend server.
This website uses a shared hosting provider as well as a CDM cache. The hosting is relatively inexpensive but means that the hardware resources are shared across multiple users. The CDN is free, which implies the same potential resource problems.
On occasion, that can be a problem when the systems are heavily loaded, and this site doesn’t get sufficient processing or network bandwidth.
In the past this situation has resolved itself given a bit of time. Sometimes just trying a refresh is sufficient, other times it can take up to 10 minutes before the system is chugging along happily again and serving pages as expected. If the problem persists, please send an e-mail to admin@zanshin-sailing.com and request immediate redress and your money back!
Sorry for disrupting your web browsing experience!