Looking north in Rodney Bay
Looking north in Rodney Bay
Picture of Arnd


2024-06-06 Putting Zanshin into hibernation


I got going early with some of the worst coffee I have ever tasted; I keep on making it because it presumably has caffeine in it. Then login to the office and doing computer work was on the agenda.

Whenever I started a longer running process I would take a break and do some boat tasks. So far I’ve got the freezer thawed out and cleaned. The 24V – 12V trickle charger has been re-installed. The cushions, which I’d cleaned outside yesterday, are now dry and stored safely in the forward cabin.

Pride, a local boat worker, has come by and we are looking at what needs to be done to get the hatch closed safely and securely.

In my next break I’ll get the galley cupboards cleaned out and see if I can donate the food to anyone on the docks – the frozen meat was already given to a neighbouring boat yesterday.

Noon and later in the day

I did more work aboard Zanshin; the bimini is now safely stored and my suitcase’s contents are filling up. About half of the suitcase is the old StarLink system that I need to return upon getting the USA. The boom is secured, and my last steak (a hanger steak) has been bubbling away in the sous-vide since noon. I thawed it out yesterday and marinated it in a soy-sauce and spices mixture overnight.

I’ve moved Zanshin about at dock and secured the lines for storage. My Airbnb in Norfolk is sorted, I’m staying in an area called Ghent (a bit of both Belgium and the U.K. in a Virginian city)

I’m working hard at reducing my supplies of Presidente beer as I’m loathe to waste even mediocre beverages. But I did find a can of Coke Light in the fridge and there’s not a hope of me trying that; it’ll find its way into a goodie-bag for the Moorings workers.

The two 90W solar panels are now on the aft section of the cockpit and are working – they’ll keep the batteries charged while I’m away.

I’ve replaced the burner unit in the BBQ – it’s going to get tested tonight when I prepare the hanger steak.