Hose clamp at the prop shaft
Hose clamp at the prop shaft
Picture of Arnd


2024-06-04 Docked in Rodney Bay

Early Work

I woke up early and set up the Starlink antenna so that I could work online and participate in a couple of conference calls. Then I called the marina on the VHF and arranged my dockage and spent a half-hour setting up my dock lines and fenders and preparing for the dock.

Coming in, even without the bow thruster, was uneventful and I managed to enter my assigned slip without denting either the dock or Zanshin. Soon I’d gotten the power attached and fired up the air conditioning. And then it was time to take care of Customs & Immigration formalities and marina paperwork. This took a while, but I was quite happy to be back on terra Firma.

The rest of the day was spent working in the remote office and preparing Zanshin for long-term storage.