I was going to sleep in a bit, but a fishing boat passed astern of me around 06:00 and its wake was big and slammed into Zanshin’s hull. That woke me up.
I had a coffee and logged into the internet and by 07:30 I was ready to head ashore. I’d heard that La Sucrière had a dinghy dock, so I headed there to see if that was indeed true.
It was true.
Fortified with a Cappuccino and a croissant, I’ve returned back to Zanshin and will put the 3 baguettes into the freezer for safekeeping. I’ll drink some water and start on the cleaning tasks before the sun makes an appearance from behind the clouds.
Morning to noon

I got the forward head cleaned, as well as my own aft one. I’m not sure if I fixed the forward head supply water leak, but I should get a “B+” for effort. The sun hasn’t made much of an appearance, but the winds are picking up and the boat is quite comfortable today.

I opted to stow the 2 big solar panels in the forward port head for the passage. Then I removed my 4 smaller panels from the deck and put them into the forward head as well, tying everything up for the upcoming passage. Since the wind will be coming from the port side and the weather is forecast to be relatively mild, I believe these preparations are going to be sufficient to keep the panels and my boat from being damaged.

Ashore there was live music, with Percy Rankin and band entertaining the audience at the Soggy Dollar. I returned from dinner and listened to a couple of songs before returning to the boat and getting some sleep.