SMYC dinghies racing in the lagoon
SMYC dinghies racing in the lagoon
Picture of Arnd


2024-05-25 Getting ready to leave – again

Dinghy Racing panorama
Dinghy Racing panorama
Sunrise and morning hours
Ile del Sol docks emptied out
Ile del Sol docks emptied out

I tried to sleep in today but awoke rather early and had to make do with the mediocre coffee that I could purchase at the local stores. But the caffeine did its job and I’m now wide awake and trying to figure out what to do with the day.

I caught up on editing my blog pages, which I’ve been neglecting in recent days due to the presence of John and my innate procrastination.

While there’s a bit of cloud cover, it is still pretty warm here in Sint Maarten and I’ll certainly enjoy going into Island Waterworld or Budget Marine to bask in the air-conditioned shopping comfort there.

Shortly before 11AM I heard swishing noises outside and saw that the whole SMYC dinghy fleet was racing upwind to an orange mark. It is great to see the enthusiasm (and skill) displayed by the kids on their plastic bathtub-like boats.

Zanshin anchored in the lagoon
Zanshin needing cleaning

I started cleaning up a bit, but the winds died down and I wasn’t going to voluntarily work in the hot forward cabin in those conditions. So, I read my book in the cockpit and occasionally looked up to watch the dinghy sailing regatta.

A single catamaran coming in
A single catamaran coming in

I did make it ashore for the 5 o’clock bridge opening, where one single catamaran entered the lagoon. It is certainly off-season now and the area is devoid of megayachts and cruising boats alike. Even the usually filled Soggy Dollar was rather empty.