Waiting for the bridge to open
Waiting for the bridge to open
Picture of Arnd


2024-05-22 Back in the lagoon again

Early morning

I didn’t sleep well with the incessant quick rolling and due to rain showers passing overhead during the night the hatches had to remain closed as well. John put on a brave face, but I think he didn’t sleep at all during the night.

We had an early coffee, and I eagerly awaited the 09:30 inbound bridge so that I could get back inside the lagoon. The weather forecast remained bad for me with showers, thunderstorm activity and a SE wind. So, I wasn’t going to be departing for a couple of days after all. 

Once inside life was a lot better indeed and John and I went to the SMYC for a breakfast while the showers passed through the lagoon. I kept a sharp eye out for Zanshin to make sure that the boat wouldn’t drag.


John departed the boat and stayed at an Airbnb flat for the last night on the island before his scheduled departure for Canada. That meant that I was finally going to be alone again aboard Zanshin!