Talking at the Soggy Dollar
Talking at the Soggy Dollar
Picture of Arnd


2024-05-16 Windstill and Rock Night


The day started with a warm temperature and the mercury rose slowly all day and with little wind it was quite a scorcher.

I had the fan set on middle-high and was still melting at the desk. I really looked forward to a cooling shower and time ashore later.

Touching in windless conditions
Touching in windless conditions

Some clouds with rain passed by to leeward and the wind direction switched about 180° for a while, causing a bit of havoc between a long-term local mono and a visiting catamaran.

John and I saw that the two were close, and despite the catamaran having people in the cockpit they did nothing. I got into my dinghy and motored over and between the two boats – now separated by just a couple of meters and returned. Then I got my camera and made sure that they saw me take pictures. Only then did they run into action and one person ran forward to get fenders and another tried to separate the stern of the catamaran from the mono.

Air France about to take off
Air France about to take off

Later I saw that the mono was steel, so the pictures were unnecessary, but the sailors aboard the catamaran really should have known better.

Away from the crowds
Away from the crowds

Tonight was “Rock & Roll Night” at the Soggy Dollar and the music was quite good and the conversations lively. We had a truly international table, with Argentina, Switzerland, Canada, France, Germany and the USA being represented.

Rock band on stage
Rock band on stage