Zanshin anchored in the lagoon
Zanshin anchored in the lagoon
Picture of Arnd


2024-05-13 Back in the office again

Early Morning

My first 06:00 call was a tough one to attend, as I’d not given the caffeine enough time to start coursing through my veins. I’d returned relatively early, but John returned sometime around 03:30AM and is still asleep as I write this. But he doesn’t have to work.


I’m approaching the end of my workday and John is still asleep. Lucky guy 🙂


I spent longer than normal at work as I was trying to get a very long-running program to work correctly; after that John and I had a pre-happy hour beer before heading ashore for the normal happy hour at the Soggy Dollar bar.


We all headed to Royal Gyro for a gyros dinner, and I returned to the boat after that while Phil and John headed to the live music at Huppel the Pub.